When is it Time to Renovate Your Irrigation System?

On average, an irrigation system – whether it’s a high use irrigation system on a golf course or a residential sprinkler system – will last 10 to 30 years. In terms of longevity, much depends on the specific demands placed on the system in terms of use, landscape and other factors. Maintenance also plays a key role in prolonging the life of your irrigation system.

However, when “maintenance” turns into frequent repairs and those costs continue to mount, it’s an obvious sign that your system is just too old and worn out. Over time, pipes will corrode and break, and there may be too-frequent leaks, breaks in the wiring and sticky sprinklers. All of these are signs that your system has seen better days.

Here are some other sure signs your sprinkler system isn’t functioning as it should:

  • Chronic wet or dry spots on your lawn
  • Increasing costs for repairs
  • Rising water bills that are often a sign of unseen leaks

Renovations may seem to represent a major investment, but the effort is worth it in terms of decreased utility costs and an improvement in your lawn and garden as the irrigation becomes regularized.

Newer and Better Systems & Components
If you haven’t renovated your irrigation system in a decade or more, you’ve missed out on some major technological advancements. With water conservation more and more of an issue, suppliers like our preferred choice RainBird and Toro have met the challenge with smart systems and sensor s that can automatically detect rainfall levels and other factors to automatically adjust your irrigation schedule accordingly.

These types of features are terrific for residential uses, but quite crucial for the operation of a golf course, dramatically lowering maintenance costs and improving the appearance of your greens, which is key to maintaining your course’s appeal to the public. New kinds of control systems, pumps and many other innovations will make your renovated irrigation system much more efficient.

FutureGreen specialists  can also renovate to correct errors in the initial design, or simply take into account elements and requirements that have changed over time. We can fix those problems you’ve been simply tolerating. The weather has changed in this area over the last few decades, and our water supply has too.

It’s Going to be a Long, Hot Summer
So says Environment Canada. Why not contact FutureGreen Irrigation today for a renovation consultation today? We keep abreast of the very latest developments and cutting edge technology to provide you with the very best of irrigation solutions.

The Future Green Irrigation team has over 30 years of experience in installing and servicing residential and commercial lawn sprinkler systems and irrigation systems, using only best-in class products Toro and Rainbird lawn sprinklers.

Explore our site to find out more or contact us today for a free on-site quote by calling (416) 553-7488 in Toronto, (705) 999-0907 in Barrie or Toll Free (866) 936-5296. You and your lawn will be glad you did!

About Future Green Irrigation: Canadian owned & operated, we provide Lawn Sprinkler Systems & Irrigation Systems for homes, businesses and golf courses throughout Barrie, Toronto, the GTA and beyond including Bradford, Aurora, Bolton, Caledon, Innisfil, Wasaga Beach, Collingwood and Newmarket, Ontario.

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